
Friday, January 14, 2011

So Who Really Killed Eddie Ford?

Okay One Life to Live fans- by now I’m sure this question has crossed your mind a LOT.  I know I have thought about it quite a bit and as of right now I have two prime suspects: Nora and Clint.

Why not Inez?  I see her as a very weak character.  I honestly can’t see her murdering someone…for heaven’s sake she almost passed out just drugging Bo’s beer!  Also, she loves her boys more than anything.   I could never see her let Nate take the fall for something she did.  If anything she already feels guilty enough for abandoning her first two children..she wouldn't screw over her third.  I think OLTL has only been using her as a red herring. 

Now let me explain why I think the killer is either Nora or Clint.  Let’s examine Nora first.  Here are some pieces of evidence I have against her.

1) Nora was not with anyone at the time that Eddie was killed (therefore no alibi to prove that she didn’t do it). 

2) When she was with Rex earlier that night she was not being herself at all.  She was clearly in shock and suffering severe mental trauma which could have easily caused her to go over the edge.

3) She does not remember anything that happened after the car crash took place.

To me these three things really suggest that Nora did it.  I mean, if she doesn't even remember what she did the night Eddie was killed, obviously no one else does. And if she did kill Eddie it would make sense that she would block it out.  But for some reason all of this seems too obvious to me (then again this is a soap opera).

Now on to Clint- clearly Clint has gone to the dark side.  I’m not even going to provide examples because as of now there are just too many to talk about.  Hell, he has even made me feel bad for Matthew lately and trust me right now I am not Matthew’s biggest fan.  Anyway here are my reasons for why I think the killer might be Clint:

1) At this moment in time, killing Eddie seems like a very "Clint thing" to do (I know that probably sounds like a lame reason but seriously the guy is a douchebag).  

2) Perhaps in some sick twisted way he would think killing Eddie would give him more leverage over Inez (allow him to blackmail her more by threatening to incriminate her children).  

Although these are the two reasons that have been making me suspicious of Clint, nothing really stuck out to me as hard evidence against Clint until today.  When he was on the phone towards the end of the episode and said that he wanted to “make sure Nate was put away,” it really struck me as an odd thing for him to say.  If Clint didn’t kill Eddie, why would he care who did?  That statement alone made me really suspicious of him….

Anyway those are my reasons for why I think the killer is either Nora or Clint.  Do you agree, or is there someone else in Llanview you think is responsible?  Comment below!

PS. When will they wrap up this baby paternity story….?  I was so ready for Natalie to finally tell John and then when she decided to just “keep it between her and her nameless son” I wanted to strangle somebody.  


  1. Hmmm Nora's a definite possibility. My instincts still tell me Clint did it though. But I agree Inez is a weak character, I really don't think she killed Eddie.

  2. Nora probably did it. Clint may have ordered the hit, but he would never dirty his own hands. I was sorry to see Eddie killed off; he really brought something different to Llanview!

  3. I don't care who killed Eddie. I do however believe that John and Brody are the fathers of the children they are supposed to be and would prefer Natalie find out the truth and not have to ever tell John and Jessica...but of course, that wouldn't be "soapy."

  4. Some ppl think langston did it. But me personally I think Clinton or inez did it. The said Brittany is going off the show but I don't believe it

  5. It's official that Brittany is leaving- But I still really doubt that Langston killed Eddie

  6. has anyone thought of matthew?

  7. That is a REALLY interesting theory. That hadn't even crossed my mind- but Matthew has definitely been a creep lately so you never know!
